Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sure has been a looooong time...

It seriously has!! I really have not felt up to blogging, at least, not without pictures. I think that sometimes a picture and be a better
descriptor then me!
So since it has been such a long time, I will have this post be about some of the goings on around here...

First thing is that my little monster of a man turned 3 years old on May 9. We had a superhero birthday bash with all of his cousins (and his sister too!). It was the best birthday party a kid like Nick could ever want!

The kids had a fantastic time! (A big thanks to my Mom and Linda who helped me in a tremendous amount!)

After the awesome superhero party was over, Casey and I took Nick and Karley to Chuck E. Cheese to continue the party! It was such a fantastic day!

Another thing is that Karley has graduated from Preschool! They had a darling program on Friday, May 21st that included singing songs, reciting a poem , dancing and putting on the play of 3 Billy Goats Gruff (she was the medium sized goat). But, gosh dang it! I don't have any pictures of that. (I know, I am a bad Mom) But to try to make up for it I will put up some really cute pictures of Karley!

I made that dress! I am so proud of it!

Karley trying out her brothers new skateboard

Well that is all that I have for now.
I hope that you have enjoyed this post.
Peace out.


Linda said...

Yea!! at last a post. (i'm not really one to say anything about that, though). You need a camera!!

Nichole Neumeyer said...

I know, huh? One can wish!!

Together We Save said...

Looks like a fun party and I love the dress!!