Saturday, November 8, 2008

It's been a while...

Ok! Ok! Here is a post! The one you have been needing sooo bad! Sheesh!
Hmmmm.... what to talk about...
Karley went to her first non-relative birthday party today. It was a girl in her dance class that invited her. She LOVED the party! There was a clown and this clown was great! She made all the kids balloons and painted their faces. Karley asked to have her face painted like a princess, it was so cute! I wish I had pictures to show, but, what can ya do??? Karley got a boatload of candy from the fab pinata and left with a belly full of hot dogs and cake. When it was time to go she alllmost lost it. Good thing she got a goody bag too...there was bubbles that she needed to blow when she got home!
Nickolas is getting WAYYYY to big for my liking! He is starting to realize that he can throw fits and be a demanding little turd. Like his sister. Now when I am home alone, I feel totally outnumbered. Great.
I am enjoying having Casey around more now that summer is coming to an end. I really miss him not being home. And the kids miss him too. Nick is so cute/sad when Casey/anyone he knows leaves. He waves and he makes this face like he is going to cry and keeps saying "Bye! Bye! BYE!" in a very worried tone. It is heart melting and heartbreaking all at the same time. He also loves to give hugs and kisses too, but only if you are leaving. Any other time and he will turn his face away. Believe me, I have tried! Lil stinker!
I am grateful for the members in my family. I received a call the other day. It does not matter who it was from, or what is was about. I will tell you, it really surprised me. I felt so uplifted and full of gratitude. It really meant so much to me. Thank you. And thanks for noticing and praying for us.

That is all I have for right now. I will try to be better at blogging. I want to make a effort in blogging at least once a week, if not every day. I want this to be a type on dairy that I want to keep and share with my children someday. I want them to be able to look back and remember all of the fun things that I kept record of. I am going to make that my goal. Wish me luck!

PS Can you guess what language I named my numbering in?


Friends+Family said...

WAHOO!!! You are back at last!!!! Loved reading the post. You are such a good writer. And.....what language is this-Mi amor tu!

Brent and Ashley said...

Glad to hear Karley had fun at the partay! And I can just picture Nick getting all sad when someone leaves! He is such a sweetheart!!! And I'm glad to see you're back, too!! I's au fronsay!!