Monday, September 22, 2008

One More Year...

Of saying that I am in my yearly twenties. After that, it is MID twenties. And mid twenties means that I am almost in my late twenties, and that brings me even closer to my THIRTIES!!!
Ok! I know that was a little much, but dang! I' m felling old!
So today is my very first "24" hours of being 24! How exiting! It really is! Since my birthday was on Sunday, today me and my sisters and other Mother are going to Park City to do a little damage to our bank accounts and our bellies! I am so exited! I am even more exited about the fact that there will be no children allowed on our shopping adventure! That just makes it all the sweeter!
Well I have to go now....hi-ho, hi-ho, off to shop I go!!!!


Anonymous said...

wow sister... 24?? YOU ARE OLD! haha jk. so sad I couldn't come. stupid jetblue.

Anonymous said...

stupid, STUPID jetblue.

Friends+Family said...

We had so much fun. We need to do that more often!!! We are so lucky to have you Nicole. (and tell casey thanks for the extra money)

Brent and Ashley said...

I had SO much fun hanging out with you all in Park City!! We need to have girls night out ALL the time when we move up to Davis county :)
That's funny that the shoes were too small on both kids! The shoes I got at GAP for Ethan were too small!! AAHHH! I guess you and I will have to go up to PC together and do some exchangin'!! Other than the shoes, everything else I bought was a success!!
Anyways, I will be coming up to my parents house this Fri 3rd, so we will have to get2gether! XOXO

Tiffany said...

Your birthday was so much fun, you should have them more often! We love you!

Anonymous said...

way cute blog layout!

Brent and Ashley said...

Okay. Time to blog. And don't say you don't have anything to blog about, your camera doesn't work, your computer is broken, you don't have internet, blah blah blah. Excuses excuses. We need more bloggage goin' on please. Thanks